为尽量延长您的 Dynabrade 产品的使用价值,应优先选择我们的专家对产品进行维修。我们的员工经过充分培训且经验丰富,可以满足您所有的服务需求。Dynabrade 的维修服务可以让您的工具继续发挥出色性能。
平价维修是按照已知价格对您的工具进行维修并保持其出色性能的可靠方式。该价格包含了将工具恢复至工厂认证性能水平所需的人工费用和所有部件费用。Dynabrade 仅对随附工具返厂的标准件进行维修(即,如果接触臂等配件未随附返厂或已损坏,将不予更换)。我们有权根据经验判定某个产品或工具已经无法以经济方式维修。
Dynabrade 的经销商均已经过培训,有能力对您的工具进行维修,使之恢复出色性能。点击以下按钮,查看 Dynabrade 授权维修点列表。
For those who have their own in-house repair facilities, ask your local Dynabrade Distributor about our tune-up kits available for selected models or place your order for specific parts as needed directly with your
Dynabrade distributor.
Motor Tune-Up Kits
The regular maintenance of any air tool will contribute to greater efficiency of the tool and will prolong tool life. Motor Tune-Up Kits contain replacement parts which are most susceptible to wear. Each Dynabrade tool is complimented by a specific Motor Tune-Up Kit which you will find referenced throughout our print catalog and parts pages.
Drop-In Motors
Drop-in Motors provide a convenient, dependable way to repair your tools in-house.
Air Tool Maintenance Guide
Dynabrade has designed a booklet to promote and assist with proper air tool maintenance.